We lose a week, fall down a worm hole, and come out the other side with a new podcaster (approaches!) Jason returns from a nearby mountain expedition to drops some knowledge about PC games he’s been playing while Tanner and Rob discuss Street Fighter games past, present, and future as we all attempt to answer the eternal question: what is the real #hoganfirstworldproblem?
Podcasters on Ep#3: Rob, Jason, and Tanner
Topics for Ep#3: Lethal League, Darkest Dungeon, Ronin, Street Fighter, Ni No Kuni, Playstation 1 games, Consoles in China, Hogan erased from WWE history, Rocket League, Diseases (made up or otherwise), Local Multiplayer, and Ouya “oh no!”
Watch the Live Recording at www.twitch.tv/gamecrashers